If your serial number is not working, you are unable to enter your serial number, or when you try to enter your serial number you see a “SERIAL NOT VALID!” error, please try the following solutions:
1. Make sure you have installed the latest version of Melody Sauce 2 v2.1.3.
2. Try entering your serial number using COPY AND PASTE, instead of entering the serial manually using the following steps:
- Use Control-C to copy serial number
- Click your cursor inside the serial key box first
- Then use Control-V to paste serial (license key)
- If this doesn't work, try right-clicking or left-clicking inside the serial key box first, then paste
- Use Command-C to copy serial number
- Click your cursor inside the serial key box first
- Then use Command-V to paste serial (license key)
3. If your serial number is still not working, make sure you have entered your serial numbers correctly, making sure you have not entered any extra spaces before or after the serial number by mistake. The serial numbers always have the format xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx.
4. If you have purchased a full new Melody Sauce 2 serial (ie. you are not using an upgrade serial to upgrade from Melody Sauce 1), after you enter your serial make sure you are entering the "OK" button next to the serial box.
5. If you are UPGRADING from Melody Sauce 1 to Melody Sauce 2, make sure you are entering the Melody Sauce 1 serial number in the first box, and Melody Sauce 2 in the second box. Then click the "UPGRADE" button.
6. if you have ALREADY UPGRADED successfully once, your old Melody Sauce 1 serial is deleted and should no longer be used, and your Melody Sauce 2 Upgrade serial becomes your only serial. If you need to enter your serial again for any reason after you have successfully upgraded, simply enter your Melody Sauce 2 Upgrade serial in the first serial window, and do not click the Upgrade button.
7. If you are upgrading on a NEW COMPUTER, remember that your serials are valid for a maximum of 3 devices in total. If you have already exceeded this, see here on how to manage your serial across multiple devices: https://evabeat.zendesk.com/knowledge/articles/360001586557/en-gb?brand_id=360000144577&return_to=%2Fhc%2Fen-gb%2Farticles%2F360001586557
8. Make sure you have an INTERNET CONNECTION when authorising (authorisation requires you to be online)
9. For WINDOWS users, switch off any FIREWALLS or anti-virus software on your computer which might prevent our licensing server from connecting to your computer via the internet. Please try authorising again with any firewalls or anti-virus tools switched off (eg. Windows Defender, Windows SmartScreen, McAfee, Norton, Avast etc). After successful authorisation you can switch your firewall back on. Please note, if you have your firewall on during authorisation, and then simply switch the firewall off after attempting authorisation, this will not work.
For more information on how to prevent Firewalls blocking authorisation in Windows, please see this article:
Here's some further info on configuring Windows Defender Firewall to unblock Melody Sauce:
10. If none of the above fix the issue, try downloading the INSTALLER again. In Windows go to properties and check that the “unblock” box is ticked.
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